The Millers is an American sitcom that aired from 2013 to 2015. It follows the lives of Nathan Miller and his family as they adjust to his newly divorced status. Nathan is a recently divorced news reporter who moves in with his parents, Carol and Tom, and his sister, Debbie. The show follows the family as they navigate the ups and downs of life after divorce. The Millers features an ensemble cast, with Will Arnett, Beau Bridges, Margo Martindale, and J.B. Smoove leading the way. The show is known for its witty dialogue and its lighthearted humor. It also features a number of celebrity guest stars, including Will Ferrell, Amy Poehler, and Jon Hamm. The Millers is a funny and heartwarming show that will make viewers laugh and cry. It is a show that will leave viewers feeling uplifted and inspired