The Princess Bride is a classic romantic comedy released in 1987. Directed by Rob Reiner, the movie is based on the novel of the same name by William Goldman. The movie follows the story of Westley, a farmhand who sets out to rescue his beloved Princess Buttercup from the evil Prince Humperdinck. The movie stars Cary Elwes as Westley, Robin Wright as Buttercup, and Mandy Patinkin as Inigo Montoya, a swordsman who helps Westley on his quest. The movie is a delightful and humorous adventure filled with action, romance, and wit. It follows Westley and his companions as they battle giants, monsters, and other obstacles on their quest to rescue Buttercup. The movie also explores themes of love, loyalty, and friendship. The Princess Bride is a timeless classic that is sure to delight fans of romantic comedies.