The Borgias is a historical drama television series that aired from 2011 to 2013. It follows the lives of the infamous Borgia family, a powerful and influential Italian dynasty during the Renaissance. The show focuses on Rodrigo Borgia, the patriarch of the family, and his children, Cesare, Juan, and Lucrezia. The show follows the family as they use their power and influence to gain control of the Papacy and the city of Rome. The Borgias is known for its lavish sets and costumes, as well as its complex characters and storylines. It features an all-star cast, including Jeremy Irons, François Arnaud, Holliday Grainger, and Joanne Whalley. The Borgias is a captivating show that will keep viewers hooked from start to finish. It is a show that will make viewers think about the power of family and the consequences of ambition